Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wicked Busy

SOOO, its been awhile. Again, and I apologize. :)

Classes have been crazy and the work load is kinda messed up. They give you all these "suggested reading" choices which is like maybe 15 chapters or so (which is impossible to read all of it for the next week, without becoming a recluse) so I've just kinda been like I'll read one or two since its all very repetitive. But anyways, we've been kinda galavanting around. This past week, we went to Camden Market and The Sherlock Holmes Museum.

Camden is kinda a crazy place. I'm just gonna put that out there. Most of the shops are just filled with all these bohemian and ecclectic people. It really is something really cool to look at and some of the stores are just an experience in themselves. This chick is one of the people who would be known to inhabit Camden Market.

And then there is this store, CyberDog. Its called electro-cyber-punk. Completely crazy fantastic. If you go to Camden, you MUST go in this store. You will be shocked/horrified/bedazzled/love this store. Its completely unique and its an amazing London experience.

And then there is this place. The Sherlock Holmes Museum on Baker Street was supposed to be interesting and after paying 6quid to see the home of the infamous Dr. Holmes, it is by far one of the most touristy rip-off things we have been to since getting here. It is by far a shame to the memory of the awesome Holmes and Watson. owell.

After that, we crossed Reagents park and Cat decided to take my camera and had a mini photoshoot at night. lol. This one came out the best and I kinda want to see what Reagents Park looks like in the daylight. We had some v. interesting experiences there last night :)
(L-R: Mika, me, Jess, and Nick)
Until next time,

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