Well, well, well. I have started to get back in the hang of this thing. Another post within a week. I know, Impressive. :)
But since I haven't had much time to do anything other than go to class and do some other random things, like laundry and go to the Sainsbury's (the grocery store), I thought I would do something I meant to do in Italy - a room tour!
I just want to point out that this room is much smaller than what the pictures show. I was looking through them and they actually make the room look a lot bigger than the room truly is. I just must be an excellent photographer. Pats self on the back. :)
But first I wanted to show you my Oyster Card. I applied forever ago trying to get the student card, which gives you 40% off fares and the like on the Tube, and was told I probably wouldn't be getting one and voila! I have one now! Booya!
So I thought I would snap a photo of the plain old ugly one and then the other one with my name and mug on it for your enjoyment!
But now on to more important things, new Cadbury chocolates came out at the Tesco Express by us, so therefore I deemed I must try them. The ones below, the raisin ones, are supposed to be like Raisinettes, but these were kinda gross. I would not want to buy those again but the chocolate was delicious.
These, however, were beyond delicious. I completely want to eat more of them. I might have to smuggle some back into the states and then protest Kraft, who as of March 1, will now own Cadbury Chocolates, to bring them into the States. They are just soooooooo delicious and I dont know why, they on the surface sound actually kinda gross. It says that they have rice and chips in them, then covered in chocolate, but OMG, they are phenomenal. I ate the entire bag in one sitting. 0:)
But anyways, onto the room!!!
This is my tiny, rink-a-dink desk area! I can barely fit here, and the worst part is, there is barely any light!!! I may have to go buy a cheap desk lamp or something, reading is soo hard to do with the dim lighting through the ceiling lamp.

Now here is the shower, the weirdest thing I have ever seen. There is no basin in the floor, it is just a drain and you are supposed to just shower on the bathroom floor. The first time I got in, i thought it was going to flood the entire room and the next, but it miraculously never did. I would have to say this shower is a great triumph over the shower I had in Italy.

The wall of fame!!

The entrance and coat rack, with the loo jutting out into my tiny little bit of moveable area. :)

Anyway, I felt you guys should see the living conditions. I also miss the quiet of my room back home. These people driving over here just never stop! It seems like there is rush hour traffic all the time, minus from 3-4am! Its absolutely insane.
On a more mediocre note, it has started getting cooler again, back down into the low 30s and high 20s but this time, the sun has been out! yeah sun! The worst so far is when it is 33F outside and it decides to sprinkle, not hard enough to put the umbrella up, or too windy to have the umbrella up.
On other travel news, was planning to go to Amsterdam with a couple of the other international students, but looked at the weather and it is supposed to be horrible in Amsterdam next weekend, so, Jess and I and a couple of other people are planning on going in March or end of April when its supposed to be really nice out. Now we are thinking about going to Bath and Stonehenge this weekend, and maybe checking out an Arsenal game or one of the rugby matches on Sunday as there is no classes Monday!!!
Well, I'm spent now from all this typing,
Auf Weidersein!
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