Anyways.. Panama in 11 days!! London in 35!!!! O.M.G.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Histo for the Fail >:p
So, its funny, I tend to study granted for maybe like two days for a test or something like that. This time, I go ahead and study like three days, maybe more, and here comes the test, and its like WTFricknasty, where did all these things come from?? Whatever. I'm so done with this class.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I have no idea what this title is, but Fae continues saying it, so therefore it must be great. Anywho, I'm trying to get in a better rut with updating this thing-a-ling, but it is still a very arduous task. At this point in the semester, I am starting to freak out. This whole Middlesex thing is driving me crazy since I can't pay for anything because they don't take credit cards yet they somehow expect me to send them payments while I am in the States. They are just going to have to wait until I get over there to get their money. :/ I am starting to get ansy that there is still so much to do until January when I leave (43 days) and prior to that I am going to Panama (18days). And then in addition to that, finals are so soon and I am so unprepared for them. :/ Anyways, it will get done, its just my list seems to continue to longer even though I am taking things off. It is sometimes very disconcerting to see the list, but it is going in the right direction.
I know that this trip is the right decsion, but I can't help but think that I should have maybe done it this fall instead of spring, but w/e. It is done with now, so I shouldn't even think about what happened in the past.
Onto a more amazing subject, the AMAs were this weekend and Adam Lambert's performance was definitely was risque but I do not understand this backlash he is getting? Britney and Madonna can make out and can give MTV unheard of ratings, yet he grabs his crotch (like MJ) and makes out with a dude and there is people saying it is the end of the world. WTFizzle? People just seem to want to find something to complain about as of late. Nothing is good enough for them to not talk about negatively. Well, I can say this. After his performance, I went and downloaded his album, so I think it was effective. I 'm a fan of the Glambert and his album is totally trancy/glam rock which is something I really dont like but somewhere along the way, it comes off really cool. Another amazing album came out yesterday was Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster which is so effing amazing, I don't even understand how she does it. I mean the clothes and how she acts is totally crazy, but I just love her for it.
But for now, that is it toaster strudels.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So, I have been really bad at updating this thing, but have no fear, I am BACK!!
Quick rundown of the events:
Immuno blows
Histo blows
Got accepted to Middlesex, UK. (SQUEE!!)
HHN has started again making my life complete
Screamfest with Beth tomorrow (nervous bout that)
HHN later.
Personal Trainer has been activated
Panama is going to be fantastic
Update later again!!
OO!! BTW, Rocky Horrific party tonight!
Heres the awesome flyer!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
So classes have started back again, which is kinda sad, exciting, and confusing all over. Again, I'm adding classes and dropping classes like crazy. Right now, Im down to 12 credits which I'm excited about. I can't believe it- but it looks like a good match = Histology, Immunology, Panama, and Weight Training. 2 days a week for classes! Score!

Anyways, no more early mornings since I dropped Ecology so Im gonna go run in the morning. Its gonna be good!
So instead of being a good student tonight, I went and bought more books. I went out and got Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea. which is completely brilliant. The other book I bought is My Horizontal Life too is suppppperrrr funny! I freakin' adore Chelsea Handler. She is by far the most amazing person. I'm just sayin.

Anyways, no more early mornings since I dropped Ecology so Im gonna go run in the morning. Its gonna be good!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So.... I feel completely guilty that I havent been keeping up with the blogging that well, but that will change! i hope.... haha. But anyways, today was completely boring, not doing much besides attempting to moving the remnants of furniture from my old apartment. Anyways, the plan for the weekend isn't looking too exciting besides trying to finish cleaning my room and possibly tomorrow morning trying to go ride Rip Ride Rocket at Universal Studios. I think that is my goal for the weekend, to ride it and then head back home. Epic plans, eh? Classes freaking start again monday which blows, but this year I get to slowly get myself back in the routine with a lovely PE class monday morning. :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Well, this past week has been kinda crazy. I got back from Trinidad and Tobago on Wed night around midnight only to then leave to Orlando for the night on Friday. Insanity. With the summer finally coming to the end, it is definitely clear, that this has been by far one of the best summers I have ever had. From travelling all over Italy to going to Trinidad and the like, I am excited to see what this year holds. With that in mind, and hopefully to get in better shape during the off year, I'm going to try and revitalize and rejuvenate my body and mind. With that, my plan is to finally get back in gear running and getting flexible again. I'll keep you in the loop!
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
She told me to steal her ... versatility...
Well, my week here in Trinidad is almost up and I have had an amazing time hanging out with Natasha and Summer and Trini's family. I will do a complete day by day break down later on when I'm not having to be a wifi pirate. But I'm completely sad that I'm leaving tomorrow back to Tampa, but I do feel ready to go home. It's so mind boggling for me to think that I have been literally gone this entire summer traveling from Italy to Trinidad to numerous Orlando and Miami trips. So, I do think that these remaining two weeks prior to classes starting again will be good to just be home and lime (picking up some Trini lingo) :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009

So, I have forgotten how agonizing it is to pack when your traveling internationally. Its weird since I just did it a couple of weeks ago, but here I am, yet again, freaking out about forgetting something. Its kinda hilarious, kinda not. I am though completely excited to see Trini and Summer in Trinidad tomorrow!
So I won't be able to post until next Wed about Trinidad, but it will be okay. I promise!
Heres a fun picture of Trinidad!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
So today has been tumultuous to say the least, therefore, I'm not in the mood to be theoretical at the moment. So, I'm just gonna say one of things that makes me a bit happier.
I fudgin' love Firenze and wish I was still there. And to back this up, is my personal favorite photo from the entire trip.

Patrick as the David
I'm Just Sayin'
Monday, August 3, 2009
The beginning of something unexpected
As I currently sit here watching by far one of my favorite movies all time, I can't help but think of how utterly ridiculous the music, the acting, the effects, the fashion, the everything of it. It's kind of funny to think how this movie, btdubs it's the original Terminator, was so cutting edge at its time. It's hard to think that its only been twenty years since it came out to the screen and how differently everything is since that time. In only twenty years, almost everything is lightyears beyond what can be done now. I almost don't even recognize what I thought this movie was when I was younger. I just can't help think about how everything will be different in another twenty years from now. What am I going to think of these movies from 2009, or those photos i took with that revolutionary camera I bought? Just everything is changing at light speed. But at this point its just cest la vie!
I know that few people are going to stop and read this blog so early on, but if you are looking for an awesome retro video, from one of my personal favorite movies, is this guy named Miles Fisher did a cover of by far one of my other favorite songs. So it was a double wammy of awesome.
Check it out on youtube
Otherwise, you fail at life. Just sayin'
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